Resolution on The Art Paradox Forum Uk

We present a collaborative statement as politically engaged musicians, artists, mental health professionals and creative leaders, addressing the challenges faced by young or inexperienced artists. We believe the most significant barriers that threaten creative and professional development are a lack of political representation, mental health support and financial instability. Artists need to be mobilised into seizing their professional capacity, by advocating the value of their art through political representation and through spaces that support creative leadership and entrepreneurship.
The lack of financial stability and mental health support has knocked artists confidence and entrepreneurial spirit, meaning they are not valued in society compared to other working professionals. On reflection, we believe that everyone will benefit from the far-reaching, progressive and positive outcomes that will emerge from supporting new sustainable models within the creative sector.
Through our personal experience, we recognise the value of artists in society as individual thinkers that offer different perspectives. We believe that by supporting creative expression and challenging pre-existing stereotypes, there is the potential to promote social change and mental wellbeing for everyone.

- Radha Anjali - Eva McQuade - Renee Bakis - Andreea Dumitrascu - Josh Montali
